“I am to you a loved necessity - 
No mariner can more devoutly hold 
To compass and to changeless galaxy 
Than you to me; I know there is no old 
Repeated nursery legend quite so dear
As I to you; I am your hearth, your sun, 
Your shelter on this vast, adventurous sphere, 
Your bourne when each long, glamorous day is done. 

And you to me! - that is a love apart
From all the rest - it is a fabric seamless, 
Divine in pliant richness round my heart. 
And I have loved you thus through all the dreamless 
Primal sleep, up to this living hour, 
Bound to you close as root is bound to flower.” [28, KSH]

To bring to thee like flowers is an artist lecture recorded in my bedroom studio in Chicago. 
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